Test Prep Study

Open source-Programs feely available and can be modified/redistributed

Open access-Online research output free of restriction access like copyright and licensing

Intellectual Property: (IP), work or invention that’s a result of creativity to which one has rights


Creative Commons:

Digital Divide:

5.5 Actions



5.6: Safe Computing

Personal Identifiable Information:

Risks to Privacy:


Virus and Malware:

5.6 Actions

5.3 Computing Bias

5.3 Actions

HP computers are racist

5.4: Crowdsourcing

Public Data Sets:

5.4 Actions

CompSci has 150 principles students. Describe a crowdsource idea and how you might initiate it in our environment?

What about Del Norte crowdsourcing? Could your final project be better with crowdsourcing?

Widespread access to info and public data facilitates the identification of problems, development of solutions and dissemination of results. Distributed Computing:

5.1 Notes

The Wii controller and iPhone have accelerometers in them.


Least likely to be provided by the upgraded system: The company will be able to provide a human representative for any incoming call.


5.1 Actions

  1. Come up with three of your own Beneficial and corresponding Harmful Effects of Computing
    • Some beneficial effects of computing is that it makes a lot of things easier. By being able to effectively communicate using technology or having greater access to resources you’re able to inform yourself more about the world around you. Some of the harmful effects of computing is that you tend to become too reliant on these technologies. This can provoke all sorts of health problems in the future.
  2. Talk about dopamine issues above. Real? Parent conspiracy? Anything that is impacting your personal study and success in High School?
    • The dopamine issues mentioned above are a real problem. I don’t think that it is just a conspiracy because as explained in the example, dopamine plays a big role in how we feel pleasure, and wanting to re-experience that same level of pleasure means you need a greater dopamine rush than before. This could impact many aspects of life and could result in mood swings as well.

5.2 Video Notes

Digital Divide

5.2 Actions

  1. How does someone empower themself in a digital world?
    • You can empower yourself in a digital world by staying informed about technologies and using them in your daily life. Being educated and provided with tech will help empower people in a digital environment.
  2. How does someone that is empowered help someone that is not empowered? Describe something you could do at Del Norte HS
    • Someone that is empowered can help someone that may not be empowered by providing them with a secure network or their devices with them. For example, at Del Norte, I could give my hotspot to people that may not have strong access to the internet so that they could use online services or I can share a device with them.
  3. Is paper or red tape blocking digital empowerment? Are there such barriers at Del Norte? Elsewhere?
    • Redtaping is blocking digital empowerment because it makes people have to follow additional steps in order to access information or technologies. We see this type of thing occurring in many circumstances, not necessarily in just tech. We have similar barriers at Del Norte when we try to connect ourselves to web services through a universal network for students. This field requires a password and other information in order to gain access.